Front and back grey stone coloured business card created for a mumpreneur business. The front has Salt Social logo embossed on it, with the back containing details in the branded typography.

DIY vs Professional: When to invest in a designer for your mum-led business

Running a mum-led business often means juggling a lot—family, work, and the need to stand out in a crowded market. Deciding between DIY design and hiring a professional can be tricky. Here’s a simple guide to help you figure out when it’s worth investing in professional design services, especially if you’re facing unique challenges as a mum. Let’s consider some specific mum-led businesses and what they need to succeed.

DIY Design: Pros and Cons


  • Budget-Friendly: DIY design tools like Canva and Adobe Spark are great for keeping costs low, which is perfect for mums balancing business and family expenses.
  • Flexibility: You can tweak your designs anytime, which is handy when you’re juggling a million other things.
  • Skill Building: Creating your own designs can help you get a feel for your brand’s look and style.


  • Time-Consuming: Designing on your own can take up a lot of your time, which you might not have much of between family and business duties.
  • Skill Gaps: Without training, your designs might not have that professional touch, which can make it hard to stand out.
  • Consistency Issues: Keeping a consistent look across all your materials can be tricky without design expertise.

When to Go Professional

1. Creating Your Brand Identity

  • Tip: Starting a new business or rebranding? A professional can help you create a strong, cohesive look that your audience will remember. They can nail down your logo, colours, and fonts to reflect your brand’s vibe.
  • Example: For a mum who runs a handmade kids’ clothing line, a professional designer can ensure that her brand’s logo and packaging are not only cute and appealing but also consistent across all platforms.

2. Getting High-Quality Visuals

  • Tip: Need eye-catching marketing materials like brochures or product packaging? High-quality visuals can make your brand look more credible and attract more customers, helping you stand out.
  • Example: For a mum who runs an eco-friendly baby product store, investing in professional design can help create appealing packaging that highlights the organic and sustainable aspects of her products.

3. Time-Saving

  • Tip: If you’re short on time, a professional can quickly create polished designs, letting you focus on other important stuff like product development or customer service.
  • Example: For a mum running a blog about parenting tips, a designer can help create visually engaging blog posts and infographics, saving her time to focus on writing and content creation.

4. Handling Complex Projects

  • Tip: For things like interactive websites or detailed infographics, a professional’s expertise can ensure your designs are top-notch. This is especially useful if you need a strong online presence without the hassle.
  • Example: For a mum who runs an online craft store, a professional designer can build an intuitive and visually appealing website that showcases her handmade products effectively.

5. Keeping Things Consistent

  • Tip: Professionals can make sure your brand looks the same everywhere—on your website, social media, and printed materials. Consistency builds trust and makes your brand more recognizable.
  • Example: For a mum who runs a local baby photography business, a professional designer can ensure that her business cards, website, and social media profiles have a unified look, enhancing her brand’s credibility and recognition.

Choosing between DIY design and hiring a pro depends on your mum-led business’s needs, budget, and time. DIY is great for quick and budget-friendly solutions, but investing in a professional can really boost your brand’s look, keep things consistent, and save you time. Think about your goals and challenges to decide what’s best for your business, so you can stand out and connect better with your customers. Whether you’re running a handmade kids’ clothing line or a local baby photography business, the right design approach can make all the difference.

When you're ready to invest for a professional, or still on the fence, let's start a chat (no pressure to buy anything). Book a call with me here (mum to mum).