A black background with brand collaterals for a luxury high end wellness brand

The 10 design mistakes even high-end brands make (and how to avoid them)

Even the most refined brands can slip up when it comes to design. Avoid these common blunders, and your luxury brand will stay as polished as it deserves to be.

1. Brand Inconsistency (AKA, ‘Who Are You Again?’)

If your website looks one way, and your social media looks another, you’ve got a consistency problem. Customers need to recognize your brand instantly, no matter the platform.

Tip: Keep your branding elements consistent across all touchpoints to build trust and recognition.

2. Font Overload (Because Three's a Crowd)

Using more than two fonts can make your design look like a bad mix-and-match outfit. Stick to a couple of fonts for a cleaner, more elegant look.

3. Mobile-Unfriendly Design (It’s 2024, C’mon)

Your clients are browsing on their phones—don’t make them zoom in or scroll sideways to figure out what you're about.

4. Overcomplicated Logos (Fancy, but Can You Read It?)

Your logo needs to be clear, simple, and memorable. If people have to squint to read it, it’s not working.

5. Misusing Colours (Not All Shades Say 'Luxury')

Colours carry emotions, and in luxury, you want sophistication. Choose shades that reflect your brand’s vibe—no fluorescent pinks unless your market loves neon.

6. Ignoring Hierarchy (We All Need a Little Order)

Without a visual hierarchy, your design looks like a cluttered magazine ad. Make sure your most important elements get top billing.

7. Neglecting UX (User Experience Matters, Even in Luxury)

A clunky website or booking system can turn off even the most loyal client. Make their journey seamless.

8. Stock Photos That Don’t Fit (A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Eyeballs Rolling)

Invest in photography that reflects your brand—generic stock photos just won’t cut it.

9. Forgetting Your Values in the Design (Don’t Just Say It, Show It)

Your design should communicate your core values. If sustainability is part of your brand, show it visually, not just in your tagline.

10. Sticking to Old Branding Forever (Even the Classics Get Updated)

Luxury doesn’t mean outdated. Evolve your brand’s look without losing the essence.